Monday, April 23, 2007

Update and upcoming games against Wichita State

It is well worth saying--and not avoiding--the fact that this last week has not been terribly kind to my goals. I have managed to squeeze out a lot of time to write a final exam and entertain house guests for 10 days, but these are digressions. I have made some steady progress on a piece about the politics of moshpits. That piece is really coming together.
In the process of finding a suitable journal for the article (and I found the perfect journal), I also found a plethora of low tier journals, just waiting to be inundated with things. I am aiming to get articles of a lesser quality out to these journals. The hope is no so much for academic credit (though a little CV padding won't hurt). The hope is to "get things of of my chest" and create the sense of forward progress. It's the strategy of a college sports team, building it's season by taking on some lesser rivals. I could use a similar boost. For Nebraska football, this means pounding the likes of Wichita State. For me that means finding some friendly online journals.

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